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Small spacing LED display, intervention intelligent security field can be expected

Time:2017-11-9 2:28:33  Browse:1029

  At present, small spacing LED display with its own advantages, launched a strong offensive in many fields, in different application areas show a different style. Conference hall, concert, command center, science and technology building, Plaza, Airport Station is the main application field of small pitch LED display, but also used in artificial intelligence, the smart city is still at the initial stage. But with the gradual breakthrough small spacing LED technology, more and more small spacing products have been developed, the product price is reduced, if things go on like this, small pitch LED display into the new application field is not impossible.

  Recently, 2017 Shenzhen security Expo held in Shenzhen, many people gathered in the industry. The fair, in addition to enterprises to showcase new products, many security industry products of bright spots, many industry insiders said that the security market will gradually expand in the future, the market prospects are limitless. So, the security field and what can help the development of small spacing LED display?

  Small distance LED display is an important carrier of display.

  Mentioned in the field of security, intelligent display will have to mention, due to the strengthening of people's security awareness and intelligent impact on life, intelligent display plays a crucial role in security products. Moreover, in the era of intelligent monitoring, any corner of video surveillance, less intelligent display, security display market is also from the expansin.


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